Working in the live experience space I'm always talking about how the world is the world of online is affecting and shaping and enabling the world of offline...and vice-versa. It's a constant battle to make sense of the changing context and landscape we're all living and working in, and to understand the implications for a bunch of other stuff.
On theat note, I liked the way Charles Saatchi responded to a Guardian interviewer when asked...
Should the country be spending money on saving old masters for the nation, or buying up works by the next generation of artists?
His answer was a perfect example of understanding how a changing environment (travel, wealth, connectedness) requires a changing response...
At the risk of being lynched – again – by the art crowd, I don't think there is a great need any more to save paintings for the nation at the cost of supporting new art. What difference does it make if a Titian is hanging in the National Gallery, the Louvre or the Uffizi? This isn't the 18th century: people travel, so there's no need to be nationalistic about the world's art treasures. Much more important is to back living artists.